Friday 29 May

  • Whole day: Registration and welcome
  • For info: the Collège Cévenol, in conjunction with other secondary schools in the vicinity, is organizing an internal workshop on peace and non-violence in education. A report of this event might be presented in different workshops on Saturday.
  • A show will be presented by the students at the end of the day. Participation is by invitation only. All or part of the show might be presented on Saturday afternoon.

Saturday 30 May

  • Morning: Welcome
    • 10:00 - Inauguration of the exhibit on the Nobel Peace Prize (François Lods Auditorium)
    • 10:30 - Flags display at the Batisco in the presence of personalities
    • 11:00 - Unveiling of the historical wooden plaque of the Collège Cévénol
  • 12:00-2:00 p.m. Buffet lunch at Luquet
  • Afternoon and evening:
    • At the Batisco: workshops on different topics: non-violence, educational projects, finances, partnership, summer camps, communication, etc.
    • On campus: games and sports, exhibits, screening of old films.
    • François Lods Auditorium and stadium: shows, skits, plays, monologues, etc., by students and alumni all throughout the day.
  •   7:00-9:00 p.m. Buffet supper at Luquet

Sunday 31 May

  • Morning
    • 9:00 - Religious service at the Chambon Temple
    • 10:30 - Congress of the Alumni Association of the Collège Cévénol (AACC): its role, ways and means of continuing our activities after the reunion. General Assembly (new statutes).
  • 12:00-2:00 p.m. Buffet lunch at Luquet
  • Afternoon and evening: free time (activities will be available at the Collège and at Le Chambon).

Monday 1 June

  • Morning: Climbing Mont Lisieux in remembrance of the "team-building" weekends of the past years.
    • Departure: dawn for those brave enough to go all the way on foot (shuttle bus to the foot of the mountain for the rest)
    • Picnic at the summit
  • Afternoon: End of the weekend and clean-up of the campus and buildings

Questions & Answers

Why should I register now?

Those who register before 15 April pay a set price of only 20 €, instead of 25 if they do so after that date or upon arrival in Chambon. And 8 € for the meal instead of 10. The handful of volunteers who are preparing the weekend, who initiate the activities, fix the budget and hire the contractors need to know how many people to prepare for. The sooner you sign up, the more you help us!

Why should I sign up when I cannot come?

Precisely! Because you would like to come but cannot! Distance, family and job constraints, financial difficulties make it impossible for you to join us but you can still leave your mark: The names of all those who register will be featured in the commemorative yearbook of 29-31 May (Pentecôte) 2009. The yearbook will be given to those who will attend the reunion and mailed to those who have signed up but are absent.

What if the set price is too expensive for me?

What’s important is your presence! Your participation. If, for some reason, because of travel and lodging fees and all the vagaries of life, the amount is too much for you, then whether you are a pupil or a student, employed or unemployed, or going through a difficult time, just pay what you can. How’s that? But registration is still indispensable and therefore obligatory.

How can I pay?

You can pay by check, by bank transfer or by credit card using Paypal.
Click on the button below to pay for your registration using a credit card:

Can I give more to help the association?

Yes, please! That would be most welcome since payment must be made for the sound and lighting systems, tents, security staff, printing of flyers and posters, and many other expenses. Not to mention babysitters for the children and helpers for the disabled. Solidarity is key. If you can give something extra to help, we would be most grateful.

Where will I stay?

At the Collège? No! The newly built dormitories are occupied by the pupils and the old "baraques" are not used anymore (they do not meet the current security standards). Please call the Office du Tourisme du Haut Lignon, which coordinates all housing requests. They will inform you as to accommodation available in the vicinity. You can email them at or call them at +33 4 71 59 71 56.

What if I am from Le Chambon and can put up alumni at home?

That’s great ! We’ve set up a coordination team to match supply and demand. All Chambon residents who can host alumni should let us know! Many people would prefer to stay with families rather than in a hotel! The coordination team is led by Annie Boissieu ( or  +33 6 72 44 10 98).

How do I get there?

Carpooling is being set up. If you have room in your car, go to the blog and state how many places you can offer and specify dates and times of departure and return. If you wish to avail of seats, please say so in the blog. Upon your arrival at Le Chambon, you will receive a "Free shuttle" sticker that you can put on your car if you want to pick up hitchhikers going up to the Collège.

How can I help?

Before, during, after the weekend, we need all hands on deck. At the welcome desk, at the parking lots, in the conference halls, at the refectory and the snack booths, behind the stage, we will need your help. Sign up as a volunteer and tell us what you can do. Those who are willing to help for the whole week will have free accommodation. In charge of volunteers is François Heizmann. Email him at: or call him: +33 6 62 39 18 05

We look forward to hearing from you. Whatever you do, we wish you joy!

If you have any other questions, please contact:

AACC – Pentecôte 2009 - Collège Cévenol – 43400 Le Chambon sur Lignon
or email us at :
or call Marie Catherine Efkhanian : +33 4 71 59 28 63 (Home > 6pm) or +33 4 71 59 72 52 (Work)

And check this blog everyday!